Thursday, August 9, 2007

#7 technology related

I was aware of flickr before beginning this exercise and don't think I have added anything as a result of this. I still have a low opinion of the whole concept and can't see why anyone would be remotely interested in viewing other peoples holiday snaps! Dare I admit that my image came via google and not flickr. With assistance from a colleague I found it much easier to save a google image to my desktop and then attach it to my blog.

1 comment:

The Learning 2.0 Program said...

I used a flickr account to send photos of our libraries to Sirsidynix in America. It was easier to put them on a flickr account and just give them the URL of it. Since we did that we have had numerous enquiries from libraries around the world about a couple of the photos. I suppose its another way of sharing ideas and communicating